Brushkeeper with Ecobrush – sustainable paintbrush

Brushkeeper with Ecobrush is a handy way of storing your paintbrush during a paint job break (up to 5 days) without cleaning it or filled with water or Eco-turpentine for a long period of time (months, years) and it will stay in perfect condition and even clean itself within a few days in liquid.

Brushkeeper makes throw-away paintbrushes obsolete and saves turpentine, plastic bags and foil. It is made out of the best possible ecological materials and all in the Netherlands causing a minimal CO2 footprint.


"Being an inventor from the start I developed many products mostly out of need or problem solving"

Hubert Verheijen, Director at Brushkeeper B.V.

Brushing the way to sustainability!

The Brushkeeper and the Eco brush take pride in their eco-friendly and user-oriented production. Within their functionalities, the brush handle is not varnished but very finely sanded, so the extra use of paint does not unnecessarily burden the environment. On the other hand, the brush bush is made of recyclable stainless steel and it has synthetic bristles that make the brush suitable for all types of paint. The PET bottle is also recyclable. In addition, because the Brushkeeper and the Eco-Brush are produced in the Netherlands.

Saving tons of CO2 yearly and decreasing a fair amount of use of plastic and wood is achieved through the diminishing of raising pigs for hair, using recyclable parts like Stainless Steel bus, FSC wood, and recyclable packaging.

Just like these innovative products, Mr. Verheijen’s inventions also encompass many other products such as the Sunshower, a tanning device, Intomast, a flag hoisting, Easycan, a resealable can end for aluminum cans.
At this moment, Brushkeepers are on sale in sets sizes of 10, 12, and 14 and, Brushkeeper PRO for professionals in the Benelux Region. They’re also actively looking for partners in The USA, Canada, and Australia to increase worldwide sales. The company is featured in the Top 100 most innovative company of the Chamber of Commerce. The ASN Bank initiative VoorDeWereldVanMorgen and Duurzame Dinsdag suitcase offered to our Secretary of State Stientje van Veldhoven on 2020.

See the video below for a further introduction (select automatic translation of subtitles to your language of choice in video settings).